Report for the New Harbor Group, Savo Films, and their client, Quonset Development Corporation, on their day at the state house in RI to celebrate 13,000 new jobs they brought to the state.

Report for the New Harbor Group, Savo Films, and their client, Quonset Development Corporation, on their day at the state house in RI to celebrate 13,000 new jobs they brought to the state.

Report for the New Harbor Group, Savo Films, and their client, Quonset Development Corporation, on their day at the state house in RI to celebrate 13,000 new jobs they brought to the state.

Report for the New Harbor Group, Savo Films, and their client, Quonset Development Corporation, on their day at the state house in RI to celebrate 13,000 new jobs they brought to the state.

Willem Dafoe

Willem Dafoe

John Seale

Willem Dafoe